Saturday 23 March 2013

quit smoking- you won't gain weight.

If you've finally decided to kick the habit, there's good news: Quitting smoking won't make you gain weight over the long term. Some people pick up 4 or 5 pounds early on, but that's only temporary.

To quit successfully, experts agree, get help and support from your doctor, family, friends, and co-workers. A doctor or mental health professional can help you tailor an approach that best suits you. There are many FDA-approved medications to help people quit smoking.

Combine medication with other quit strategies -- like avoiding your smoking triggers or changing your daily routine -- and you greatly increase your odds of quitting for good.

Another tip: Some foods and drinks make cigarettes taste better; some make them taste worse. Try eating more vegetables and less meat -- and swap that coffee (or alcohol) for a glass of milk. Let your taste buds stifle those cravings!

By Gurjant.

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